Dimensional Physics

Everything consists of space-time.

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This text is new in part 1 and in part 2!

Part 3 for quantum field theory (QFT) is in progress and will be completed in 4-5 updates.

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Dimensional Physics (DP) is a theory that represents everything in the geometry of space-time – not just the curvature of space-time. The aim of DP was to unify the General Theory of Relativity (GR) with quantum field theory (QFT). This aim was partly achieved and partly missed. A kind of “theory of everything” was created.

ART and QFT are given a common basis through their geometric representation in different space-times. Nevertheless, the two theories describe different phenomena. A unified mathematical description of both theories is therefore not possible. This problem arises from the approach of mapping gravity and its cause – energy and mass – completely geometrically in our space-time.

DP leads to a paradigm shift in the way we view space-time. Whether it will trigger a revolution in physics remains unclear. What is crucial is that DP offers new approaches to solving the problem. It opens up a new solution space and creates new starting points for discussions on the fundamental principles of physics.

We often simply ask the question: why? We do this until it is clear why a formula or a natural constant looks exactly as it is currently used in the mathematical description. It follows that we question some of the objects of the physical descriptions that a physicist hardly thinks about after the first semester. These include, in particular, the dimensions of space and time, which is the basis of the theory. Hence the name: Dimensional Physics.

The present description of DP is structured in 3 parts:

  • Part 1: A brief introduction to show the basic idea behind DP
  • Part 2: GR and the basics of DP
  • Part 3: QFT as a consequence of GR We will often use quantum mechanics (QM) rather than QFT for an explanation. QM is easier to understand in the explanations.


As you can see, abbreviations are introduced in the text. There is a separate list of abbreviations. When counting the dimensions in a space-time, only the spatial dimensions are counted, in contrast to the standard. The reason for this will become apparent from the theory. This text is not a strictly scientific description. In order to make dimensional physics accessible to a broad readership, an explicitly relaxed tone has been chosen.

I hope you enjoy exploring and reflecting. If you have further questions, there is a contact form. Please use this option, thank you.

Let’s start the journey to a theory in which EVERYTHING consists of space-time